Mission: Spirit of Giving, Inc. is a non-profit corporation established to help individuals and organizations within the Meriden Community who are in need of a "Helping Hand" through financial aid or procurement of items to assist in satisfying special needs.
These individuals may have experienced the sudden and often times unexpected loss or disability of a family member, or a loss of shelter or essential food, clothing or possessions through tragic circumstances such as a fire. The needs may also originate from an individual or organization which may have limited or no access to special needs items such as assistive devices or educational or development equipment that is necessary and helpful to promote health and safety and assist with improvement of quality of life.
Overview: The Spirit of Giving is active throughout the year answering requests for assistance and service and hosting its annual hallmark event prior to the Christmas holiday. Coordinated through Meriden's Emergency Services in association with the Kiwanis and Rotary clubs of Meriden, this event recognizes and visits a number of families that meet the organization’s criteria, with a large community-wide caravan and display of goodwill.
Financial donations are accepted throughout the year. Donations of items for special needs are generally identified and requested as needed throughout the year based on individually verified needs assessments. To nominate a family, please fill out this form and email back to louisa.mcleish@hhchealth.org
Volunteers participate in a number of ways. Interviewing prospective families, coordinating other volunteers for service initiatives, purchasing, collecting donations and preparing and delivering items to families are the key activities that are foundational to the success of the Spirit of Giving.
For more information on how you or your organization can participate, please call Jacqualine Lopez at (203) 514-5152 or email louisa.mcleish@hhchealth.org
Spirit of Giving, Inc is a 501c3 non profit organization.